It wasn't long before Dusty was getting sick every few hours and feeling nauseous the rest of the time. She knew this didn't bode well.
"Bode well? You try throwing up knowing this was the last time you'd be young and looking as hot as I was looking." Scoffs, "Bode well. It was total crap. I was sick puking my guts out. Worried that someone saw what me and Jon did. That Hal would find out. I was going to be a full grown adult in a day and I was pregnant. Then you have an ugly toddler like Daisy and you know you're in for a pile of shit. I even went out and got her hair dyed and extensions hoping it'd pretty her up. It worked for a while."
Oh, Dusty don't remind me of the torture you put that girl through. At least you trained her properly while you were on maternity leave. Here's hoping Jon's genes add some cuteness to your next kid. Poor Daisy.
"Speaking of which it's time for me to get my prenatal checkup. I really want to give Hal a son."
That would imply you'd actually sleep with Hal long enough to conceive a son. Hal's hot, why must you whore around on him.
"Because he's lousy in bed and if you think he's hot you screw him. He won't even fulfill my life time wish. IT sucks."
You poor baby.
*Sniffles* "I know."
Moving on. Dusty's stomach has finally settled and she's now got a slight pooch.
"Thank god. I can't puke up everything I eat and be ravishing minutes later. It does horrors to my figure. And what do you mean pooch? I'm fucking hot. You're the fat bitch."
Have you looked at those rolls on your stomach? You eat for three and then you vomit for one. Maybe it's twins.
"Oh god no, not my beautiful body. You know what it does to the tits? Oh wait, that's kind of cool. I was like this small ass B cup. I'm now a large C. It's a free boob job. Maybe I'll be a DD if it's twins"
I won't get into the jokes that provides in my head. *Snickers.* Dusty spent time with her newly decorated daughter teaching her the things she needed to know to become a good child. Hal was always busy working, but this time around he noticed the signs of Dusty's pregnancy. He was real good about helping out with training Daisy.
"Darn straight. I need my full fourteen hours of sleep and relaxation time."
Not now that you're a mother. A shitty one, but there's still no rule to castrate crappy parents… Yet. Maybe once you age up you'll be a better parent.
"I'm a wonderful mother. I taught Donna to use the potty within hours of becoming a toddler. She is naked, she has an amazing doll house and her hair looks great."
It's Daisy.
"Are you sure? Daisy's a pretty name and that girl isn't."
I was there. Yes I'm sure.
"Fine, whatever you say. Well Ditsy is asleep. I'm going to give Jeb a call for my checkup."
"Yeah yeah yeah, now stop yelling. You'll wake up the brat."
Amazing enough Daisy is a wonderful toddler. Not long after the call Jeb arrived. I honestly love him. He got straight to business and after giving Dusty §250 for doing the deed he announced she was having a girl. This was not part of her plan, but she rolled with it and even made sure Jeb left smiling.
"Oh god he got old, but he pays be for getting my checkup."
Watch it you're going to look just like him someday.
"No, you keep those lies to yourself. I will be young and beautiful forever."
Later that night
"I'm feeling faint. And old. I think I'm dying."
Nope Dusty. You just became an adult. Speaking of which what are you doing in the middle of nowhere? Why aren't you home with your family? What were you doing?
"Nothing. Stop yelling at me." *Starts crying hysterically*
I then noticed a shadowy figure down the hill from her. Who is that?
"Oh no one, let's go home now. It's Dribbles birthday and I bought her a cake."
Where do you pull these names from? Daisy, its Daisy, like the flower.
"Whatever. Can we go now?"
Fine. So once she was finally calmed down and shower Dusty pulled out the birthday cake and took Daisy to it. Welcome to school, homework, responsibilities Daisy.
"Oh god she's ugly. There's no help here. No pictures from now on. This one's a fubar and I need to fix said mistake stat. Well as soon as this thing gets out of me."
It was actually only a few hours before Dusty gave birth to her second daughter Daffy Rose. From here Dusty got very secretive and the photos on her discretion have all been burned.
"You kept taking pictures of the ugly one and me while I was in bed. Vengeance will be mine!!!"
So from here until I managed to get a new camera for the efforts of tracking this legacy there were only a few pictures taken. But Dusty had indeed followed this vow through and done it with Hal making sure the bells of conception rang before she rolled over and went to sleep.
"I made sure to eat healthy too. After two mistakes I needed to get this one right. I had apples for breakfast lunch and dinner. Then my dearest Jeb arrived and we played cowg…"
Dusty no!!! I don't need to know. Not that part at least.
"Fine. I'm having a boy. Yippy! Now move over you're blocking the TV."
I quit. Right now right here, because Dusty you don't own a TV. Good night.
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