Dusty hated the new town. With a fiery fiery passion. So it was set that everyone would move back home that very day. (Okay truth I found out what was causing the glitches and I missed having a town with history)
It was late and Dusty set to work on making here trailer exactly as if they've never left. (Which is true as it's the saved game just before I moved everyone. Darth is now living with some couple in this )
So with this new move back home. Will everyone manage to remain friendly? Or will it cause trouble ?
My story is Rated R. There is sexual conduct, foul language and other things I may forget to mention until you see it. But this is the legacy of the Rose Family.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
A huge move
As soon as poor OLD Dusty woke up to discover Duke had gone to bed with his dinner she knew it was time to move. It was one thing if her family couldn't paint portraits or stylized paintings, but to eat with your hand and then go to bed with your dinner plate. Not on her watch. Of course we all know that Dusty could care the least.
"I beg your pardon. I care for my children. All 4 of them.
*Snort* Um Dusty you had 7 babies.
"I'd think I'd remember that. Let's see there's Devin, Dustine, Duke, Dallas, & Whatshisname... The cute dark haired one."
Not even close and that was only five names. Now listen closely Dusty, I'm only going to say this once.
1.) Daisy daughter of Hal Breckenridge
2.) Daffy daughter of Jon Lesson
3.) Dill son of Hal Breckenridge
4.) Dustine daughter of Trigger Broke
5.) Duke son of Jon Lesson
6.) Draco son of Trigger Broke
7.) Darth son of Trigger (but he's now adopted by the Wolff family and we'll never mention him again.)
"See I was close. Is Draco the cute one that I like?"
Yes Dusty, he's the cute one everyone likes. I so wish I could blame Dusty being old or blond for her behaviors. Anyways, back to where we were. Dusty had just moved into a nice home with her children, and the two oldest girls convinced Hal that they too needed to get out of Hillbilly land. But of course Grisby had to follow suit with Hal's two illegitimate babies. So a new town. Sunset Valley awaits the doting family. What will happen now? No one knows. Not even I.
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Daisy Rose “Oh woe is me there goes my body” ; The Beginnings
It wasn't long before Dusty was getting sick every few hours and feeling nauseous the rest of the time. She knew this didn't bode well.
"Bode well? You try throwing up knowing this was the last time you'd be young and looking as hot as I was looking." Scoffs, "Bode well. It was total crap. I was sick puking my guts out. Worried that someone saw what me and Jon did. That Hal would find out. I was going to be a full grown adult in a day and I was pregnant. Then you have an ugly toddler like Daisy and you know you're in for a pile of shit. I even went out and got her hair dyed and extensions hoping it'd pretty her up. It worked for a while."
Oh, Dusty don't remind me of the torture you put that girl through. At least you trained her properly while you were on maternity leave. Here's hoping Jon's genes add some cuteness to your next kid. Poor Daisy.
"Speaking of which it's time for me to get my prenatal checkup. I really want to give Hal a son."
That would imply you'd actually sleep with Hal long enough to conceive a son. Hal's hot, why must you whore around on him.
"Because he's lousy in bed and if you think he's hot you screw him. He won't even fulfill my life time wish. IT sucks."
You poor baby.
*Sniffles* "I know."
Moving on. Dusty's stomach has finally settled and she's now got a slight pooch.
"Thank god. I can't puke up everything I eat and be ravishing minutes later. It does horrors to my figure. And what do you mean pooch? I'm fucking hot. You're the fat bitch."
Have you looked at those rolls on your stomach? You eat for three and then you vomit for one. Maybe it's twins.
"Oh god no, not my beautiful body. You know what it does to the tits? Oh wait, that's kind of cool. I was like this small ass B cup. I'm now a large C. It's a free boob job. Maybe I'll be a DD if it's twins"
I won't get into the jokes that provides in my head. *Snickers.* Dusty spent time with her newly decorated daughter teaching her the things she needed to know to become a good child. Hal was always busy working, but this time around he noticed the signs of Dusty's pregnancy. He was real good about helping out with training Daisy.
"Darn straight. I need my full fourteen hours of sleep and relaxation time."
Not now that you're a mother. A shitty one, but there's still no rule to castrate crappy parents… Yet. Maybe once you age up you'll be a better parent.
"I'm a wonderful mother. I taught Donna to use the potty within hours of becoming a toddler. She is naked, she has an amazing doll house and her hair looks great."
It's Daisy.
"Are you sure? Daisy's a pretty name and that girl isn't."
I was there. Yes I'm sure.
"Fine, whatever you say. Well Ditsy is asleep. I'm going to give Jeb a call for my checkup."
"Yeah yeah yeah, now stop yelling. You'll wake up the brat."
Amazing enough Daisy is a wonderful toddler. Not long after the call Jeb arrived. I honestly love him. He got straight to business and after giving Dusty §250 for doing the deed he announced she was having a girl. This was not part of her plan, but she rolled with it and even made sure Jeb left smiling.
"Oh god he got old, but he pays be for getting my checkup."
Watch it you're going to look just like him someday.
"No, you keep those lies to yourself. I will be young and beautiful forever."
Later that night
"I'm feeling faint. And old. I think I'm dying."
Nope Dusty. You just became an adult. Speaking of which what are you doing in the middle of nowhere? Why aren't you home with your family? What were you doing?
"Nothing. Stop yelling at me." *Starts crying hysterically*
I then noticed a shadowy figure down the hill from her. Who is that?
"Oh no one, let's go home now. It's Dribbles birthday and I bought her a cake."
Where do you pull these names from? Daisy, its Daisy, like the flower.
"Whatever. Can we go now?"
Fine. So once she was finally calmed down and shower Dusty pulled out the birthday cake and took Daisy to it. Welcome to school, homework, responsibilities Daisy.
"Oh god she's ugly. There's no help here. No pictures from now on. This one's a fubar and I need to fix said mistake stat. Well as soon as this thing gets out of me."
It was actually only a few hours before Dusty gave birth to her second daughter Daffy Rose. From here Dusty got very secretive and the photos on her discretion have all been burned.
"You kept taking pictures of the ugly one and me while I was in bed. Vengeance will be mine!!!"
So from here until I managed to get a new camera for the efforts of tracking this legacy there were only a few pictures taken. But Dusty had indeed followed this vow through and done it with Hal making sure the bells of conception rang before she rolled over and went to sleep.
"I made sure to eat healthy too. After two mistakes I needed to get this one right. I had apples for breakfast lunch and dinner. Then my dearest Jeb arrived and we played cowg…"
Dusty no!!! I don't need to know. Not that part at least.
"Fine. I'm having a boy. Yippy! Now move over you're blocking the TV."
I quit. Right now right here, because Dusty you don't own a TV. Good night.
Monday, May 23, 2011
The Maid and The Babysitter
It was one of the rarities that Dusty and Trigger both had to work, but now that she had aged up she no longer thought she was desirable to other. Trigger had hired a maid upon marrying Dusty, he was a slob and with so many kids in the house they needed the extra help. Before they left they called the local babysitting company. Someone would be over quickly to take care of the little one. I had planned it so my little one didn’t need looking after, but EA disagrees. So my babysitter arrived. Let’s call him Jake. Jake went inside saw that my baby was fast asleep and then went outside to play in the sprinklers.
When Jake got done, he thought he should go check on the baby again, but once in there a beautiful woman was tidying up around the place. Let’s call her Kate.
When he greeted her she stopped what she was doing and started talking to him. It got very intense fast and they were flirting with each other like there was no tomorrow.
Finally a few hours later she needs to go. But she can’t stop thinking about him. For a teen he was pretty cute. Jake instantly thought about some art that looked like pretty Kate.
But he’d neglected the baby all day who was now awake, hungry and very upset. Could he be forgiven for his bad day? Would Kate talk to him ever again? We’ll never know.
Friday, May 20, 2011
Bambi Broke's Diary Entry 5
OMG Can this night get any crazier? So I managed not to throw up long enough to follow Uncle Trigger tonight. And just like in that gofer movie everything went pretty much like the original time. Except like they ate before they went to the library. Don't ask me why that made everything different. It must be a fat cow thing. I mean she's like a huge beach ball. Whoever called her the hottest YA in Riverside must have been staring at her tits because those are the only thing bigger then her stomach.
So I followed her and stupid Uncle Trigger to the library. And there they are all flirting and kissing *gags* Okay so this goes on for ages. And ages.... Annnnnd AGES!!!!! Finally the fat cow has Uncle Trigger all dizzy and light headed form all that disgusting PDA. Now don't get me PDA is fine, but when it's a fat cow PDAing with your uncle, you just want to vomit. So she's like the baby is going to be born any day now and I need to tell the old hussy the truth. I may be abbreviating here but it went pretty much like this.
I love you and you know that old hag doesn't, break up with her dried up cunt and marry me. ~Fat Cow
You're right, she's horrid in bed these days and never wants to put out after our last mistake. ~ Uncle T.
I love you you sexy thing *Jumps and does him right there.*~ Fat Cow
After that I felt it was safe to go find the old hussy who had gone out to dinner with her man whore, Hal. What I saw made me vomit twice. They were hanging out at the diner making out like two horny teenagers. It was...... Unspeakable. Then the commitmentphobe purposes to her right there. I seriously need to know what that hussy does to get these guys so quickly.....
Wait, can someone wash my brain out with soap. I just got a nasty visual. Oh gawd someone remove that image from my head. They were all tangled like that too but old and wrinkly. I think I'm going to be sick again.
Okay so Uncle Hal ended up divorcing the old hussy over the phone. And married the fat cow right there in the library. Then they ended up going back to the trailer where the old hussy ended up yelling at her fat cow of a daughter and kicked her and Uncle Trig out. Lucky for fat cow that her spinster sister lives right across the street. So they ran over there and of course the spinster doesn't give a fuck about uncle Hal. He doesn't get artists either. But she told fat cow and him they could live with them.
I'm exhausted after running around all night. I even told Duke I couldn't see him because I was spying on the old cunt. Okay I told him I had female issues and wasn't feeling well but he still wanted to talk to me. Can you believe that?
Bambi Broke's Diary Entry 4
Oh my fucking gawd, you so won't believe who called me today. After all the drama I totally almost forgot to mention it. Duke called me before school this morning. It was so early I swore I was still dreaming. He told me he was no longer going to public school but to some artsy school to explore his talents. Whatever he's beautiful. Does it matter if he's a pansy painter.
He was sorry he missed my birthday and wanted to take me out to dinner to celebrate. Is this a date? I'm not sure but I'm so fucking excited and can't wait for Saturday.
Bambi Broke's Diary Entry 3
Warning this entry has the C word in it a few times!!!!
OMG my life is like this tragedy of sorts. So due to some magic spell it's like no one remembers Uncle Trig and Daisy making out in the middle of the library. And everyone including me woke up the morning it happened as if that night never happened. You know, like the movie with the gofer or rabbit. I never watched it the movie is so old. Anyways I'm the guy though. The one who woke up remembering the days past events while the whole town goes about as if it never happened.
It got crazier even still. So Dusty decided on this day that she should go over to her Ex lovers (okay he croaked of old age. Poor Jon Lesson.) place to talk to her Ex husband ad ask him for forgiveness. Yes Hal is living in the same house Dusty *shudders* conceived a couple of her kids. I don't want to think about that Hussy's fraternizing. Bleh!!!! Anyways it came out in Jon's will that Daffy and Duke are his kids and they got his house. Which just happened to be across the street from Dusty's *scoffs* trailer. You wonder how Hal never noticed his Ex wife spending many of her nights across the street from their place. Anyways after the divorce and Hal left with Daisy and Daffy it was brought to light that Daffy indeed wasn't his, but Hal loved her like a daughter and getting a mansion like that probably helped heal some wounds.
Okay okay back to the story. So everyone woke up like nothing happened, Dusty this time around left little Draco home alone to walk across the street to "talk" to Hal. Seriously she hasn't been touched except that one fubar time since she became an old hussy. And we all know it's not personality that makes these men marry her. So anyways. Daisy is all look mommy I'm pregnant, you're going to be a grandma. Dusty the blond twat she is asks Dusty if she wants to move back home. Yes!!! That's what I said. What the fuck you stupid cunt. Your daughter is fucking your husband!!!! Daisy agreed and now the house is just aching with tension as Trigger just got home to discover his step-daughter/ lover *throws up a lit... lot* is living with them. Dusty still has her eyes on bedding Hal. Cunt!
Trigger took Daisy out to dinner "to get to know" her a bit more. Puh-leaze. Like that's not a clue, but oh no Dusty fully agreed. Probably in hopes of fucking Hal. Ewwww!!!! That's it for now as I can't stomach the rest right now.
P.S. Daffy is still living at Jon Lesson's place. Other then being the makings of an old maid I think she's happy. But I don't really give a shit.
Letters form Rae; So yesterday I had some game difficulties which took forever to solve in a very simple way but when I did I lost the Riverside game. I had thought I'd saved a back up, but upon inspection I did not. But I had an older back up saved. So I had to start pretty much as if all my fun drama never happened. I plan to fix that though ;) Poor Bambi.
OMG my life is like this tragedy of sorts. So due to some magic spell it's like no one remembers Uncle Trig and Daisy making out in the middle of the library. And everyone including me woke up the morning it happened as if that night never happened. You know, like the movie with the gofer or rabbit. I never watched it the movie is so old. Anyways I'm the guy though. The one who woke up remembering the days past events while the whole town goes about as if it never happened.
It got crazier even still. So Dusty decided on this day that she should go over to her Ex lovers (okay he croaked of old age. Poor Jon Lesson.) place to talk to her Ex husband ad ask him for forgiveness. Yes Hal is living in the same house Dusty *shudders* conceived a couple of her kids. I don't want to think about that Hussy's fraternizing. Bleh!!!! Anyways it came out in Jon's will that Daffy and Duke are his kids and they got his house. Which just happened to be across the street from Dusty's *scoffs* trailer. You wonder how Hal never noticed his Ex wife spending many of her nights across the street from their place. Anyways after the divorce and Hal left with Daisy and Daffy it was brought to light that Daffy indeed wasn't his, but Hal loved her like a daughter and getting a mansion like that probably helped heal some wounds.
Okay okay back to the story. So everyone woke up like nothing happened, Dusty this time around left little Draco home alone to walk across the street to "talk" to Hal. Seriously she hasn't been touched except that one fubar time since she became an old hussy. And we all know it's not personality that makes these men marry her. So anyways. Daisy is all look mommy I'm pregnant, you're going to be a grandma. Dusty the blond twat she is asks Dusty if she wants to move back home. Yes!!! That's what I said. What the fuck you stupid cunt. Your daughter is fucking your husband!!!! Daisy agreed and now the house is just aching with tension as Trigger just got home to discover his step-daughter/ lover *throws up a lit... lot* is living with them. Dusty still has her eyes on bedding Hal. Cunt!
Trigger took Daisy out to dinner "to get to know" her a bit more. Puh-leaze. Like that's not a clue, but oh no Dusty fully agreed. Probably in hopes of fucking Hal. Ewwww!!!! That's it for now as I can't stomach the rest right now.
P.S. Daffy is still living at Jon Lesson's place. Other then being the makings of an old maid I think she's happy. But I don't really give a shit.
Letters form Rae; So yesterday I had some game difficulties which took forever to solve in a very simple way but when I did I lost the Riverside game. I had thought I'd saved a back up, but upon inspection I did not. But I had an older back up saved. So I had to start pretty much as if all my fun drama never happened. I plan to fix that though ;) Poor Bambi.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Bambi Broke's Diary Entry 2
Omg I've heard the most horrendous rumor at school today and if it's true kill me now. So first rumor is that Tubs and his wife waz-her-name adopted a baby boy. And she might be pregnant. No way tubs a daddy. Omg tell me it's not true. I mean if he has a baby there's a good chance it'll come out looking like a baby wale. Tubs will never forgive me for accidentally calling him that in the middle of the school yard. I mean jeez get over your fat ass and forgive me for calling you fat ages ago.You look halfway decent now.
So anywho that's not even the most awful thing I heard at school today. What I heard is a fate worse than death. I mean seriously bite me, turn me and stake me now if it's true. Yeah I watch the Buffy reruns sue me.
Okay okay I'm getting to the horror. So the rumor is that Daisy, the Ms. Fat Cow of our school has not only blossomed into the hottest woman ever. Like not a zit on her YA face, gorgeous. Okay I'm getting there. So the rumor is that she's pregnant. I know I know you're like oh what's the drama Bambi. But That's not even close to all I heard. The whole rumor goes that Uncle Trigger has been spending a lot of time at her place before she became pregnant. But seriously she hasn't gained an ounce since she lost all that weight in fat camp. I know you're calling me a bitch for telling it like it is, but when you disappear over summer and come back freaking hot you've been to fat camp.
So anyways she returns all hot, her dad's a total sleaze bag too. How he managed to spend most of his life with that heifer Dusty I don't know. He seemed alright until he moved out. Now he's banging every female with a pulse. He even knocked up Ugly Mrs. {now Ex Mrs.} Grisby. Can you say Ewwww? It's known all around town that he doesn't even pay his child support too, but can you blame him for denying sleeping with that.
Anyways the freak of rumors is that Uncle Trigger is the daddy of Daisy's unborn baby. Do you not see the Eww in that? I mean Duke's half sister and step-dad fathered a baby. If it's even remotely true I'm going to choke on my own barf now. Oh yeah and Trigger's MY uncle. You do the math cause it's making me ill just thinking about it.
So anywho that's not even the most awful thing I heard at school today. What I heard is a fate worse than death. I mean seriously bite me, turn me and stake me now if it's true. Yeah I watch the Buffy reruns sue me.
Okay okay I'm getting to the horror. So the rumor is that Daisy, the Ms. Fat Cow of our school has not only blossomed into the hottest woman ever. Like not a zit on her YA face, gorgeous. Okay I'm getting there. So the rumor is that she's pregnant. I know I know you're like oh what's the drama Bambi. But That's not even close to all I heard. The whole rumor goes that Uncle Trigger has been spending a lot of time at her place before she became pregnant. But seriously she hasn't gained an ounce since she lost all that weight in fat camp. I know you're calling me a bitch for telling it like it is, but when you disappear over summer and come back freaking hot you've been to fat camp.
So anyways she returns all hot, her dad's a total sleaze bag too. How he managed to spend most of his life with that heifer Dusty I don't know. He seemed alright until he moved out. Now he's banging every female with a pulse. He even knocked up Ugly Mrs. {now Ex Mrs.} Grisby. Can you say Ewwww? It's known all around town that he doesn't even pay his child support too, but can you blame him for denying sleeping with that.
Anyways the freak of rumors is that Uncle Trigger is the daddy of Daisy's unborn baby. Do you not see the Eww in that? I mean Duke's half sister and step-dad fathered a baby. If it's even remotely true I'm going to choke on my own barf now. Oh yeah and Trigger's MY uncle. You do the math cause it's making me ill just thinking about it.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Bambi Broke's Diary Entry 1
Dear Diary, It's Bambi Broke.
Uncle Trigger hasn't talked to mom in ages. They used to get along and he was cool until he married that old slut Dusty Rose. Now he's stuck with her because our family doesn't believe in divorce. Noooo Sirry we'd rather date around like my folk or marry really old skanks like uncle Trigger. My cousin, Tubs, didn't even get to know his mother as she died of old age when he was just a baby. Puh-leaze. But what do you expect from such a hick ass town?
I know I shouldn't be such a bitch though especially since I like this boy, Duke, we were good friends until he grew up. Then we lost touch. But I just became a teen and I hope he remembers me. Because I plan on him being my first kiss. I know I'm no better then his hussy mother, but he has this hair. *sighs* If I can kiss him just once I promise not to be such a bitch to his mother. Ever!!! Cross my heart.
P.S. Did I mention he's an artist too. And he sings. XOXO
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Dusty Rose meets Jon Lesson; The Beginnings
Warning!!!! The dialogue between Dusty and Jon gets very intense and some might say foul.
Well we all know what happens next. Dusty promptly left Jon to go back home where Hal had been taking care of their little angel Daisy. Dusty felt so guilty that after a shower to wash away the scent of Jon, she went straight to bed. Hal and her hadn’t made love since before Daisy was born and Dusty woke up in the middle of the night feeling queasy. She dreaded what this could mean.
She woke up early and promptly rolled over on top of Hal and kissed him. One thing led to another and she felt safe thinking that even if she was pregnant at least Hal wouldn’t suspect that it wasn’t his.
Dusty couldn’t handle it. Giving birth to Daisy was too much for her. So the next day Hal had off Dusty decided she would go to town and try to relax. Maybe with a makeover. Hal was making some serious money now and his bonus check was enough to buy her a new pair of heels or two. She was considering extensions too. Her current look felt way too dowdy.
“I’m like this naughty school teacher.”
Good then go home and make love to your husband who’s taking care of your new baby.
“Are you kidding me? I heard there’s a real life musician in town and I plan on meeting him and fucking him. Not my husband”
Dusty shame on you.
“Look there he is, just coming out of the bistro. He’s yummy. I must have him now!”
Ever heard of tact? If you want him go get him. I will no longer stop you from degrading yourself.
Smooth move Dusty. Stroke that ego.
“I’m trying to stroke something else, but he wants to get to know me better.”
Oh I bet he does. Do your thing girl.
“Thanks. I saw that fancy car out front with the license plate J0NFUX and I knew I had to meet you. I’d like to test that statement out sometime. The sooner the better.”
“Why not on the hood? No one’s around.”
Well we all know what happens next. Dusty promptly left Jon to go back home where Hal had been taking care of their little angel Daisy. Dusty felt so guilty that after a shower to wash away the scent of Jon, she went straight to bed. Hal and her hadn’t made love since before Daisy was born and Dusty woke up in the middle of the night feeling queasy. She dreaded what this could mean.
Hal wanted to surprise Dusty with a slightly bigger trailer.
She woke up early and promptly rolled over on top of Hal and kissed him. One thing led to another and she felt safe thinking that even if she was pregnant at least Hal wouldn’t suspect that it wasn’t his.
Monday, May 2, 2011
Daisy Rose "Ooops There Goes the Honeymoon"; The Beginnings
Hal Breckenridge (Rose)
Life Time Wish: Heartbreaker
Life Time Wish: Heartbreaker
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Smokey Blue
Skin Color: Light
Body Shape: Fit
Started As: Young Adult
Sign: Pisces
1.) Flirty
2.) Great Kisser
3.) Commitment Issues
4.) Coward
5.) Schmoozer
Music: Latin
Food: Cheesesteak
Color: Red
Welcome to the family Hal Rose.
“You mean I’m going to get old?”
Welcome to the family Hal Rose.
Of course Hal said yes, he even did the proposal dance.
“Not to waste any time darling, but I think we should just elope here.”
“Of course sweetie. I love you so much.”
I think I may gag here. The mush is just a little too much for me. But it was official, they were married and he moved in right away. Actually he had a surprise for her before they even left the diner. He’d bought a one bedroom trailer and torn down that old shack.
“Oh my god this is so much better than a trip to France. I can sleep in a room and pee in another room. Oh my god, look a shower…. And a fridge. I even have a chess table and a place to sit when we eat. Oh look an easel. Ohhhh Hal.”
If I’d known you’d get this happy over appliances I would have gotten you married days ago. From here they spent the rest of their night doing it like rabbits. If I thought Hal had stamina while they were dating, this was pushing it. Dusty’s time as a young adult was coming to an end and I decided that she needed to have her first child soon. Until this game I have never turned on aging. I’m in for a treat.
“You mean I’m going to get old?”
Yep!!!! *grins* So enjoy your youth while you can.
“You bitch.”
Keep saying that and I may think you mean it.
“Wait? Did I hear that you’re going to ruin my body with… with a baby?”
No, what are you talking about. You just got married. I would never do that to you. Are you feeling okay? You look a little green.
Not much happened that day except Dusty got another promotion. She was feeling much better compared to that morning and asked Hal if he’d like to play a game of strip chess. They both needed to work on their logic skills.

After a long game of chess which Hal lost they went at it for a few hours before they finally passed out for the night.
The next morning
“I don’t feel so well.”
Not much happened that day except Dusty got another promotion. She was feeling much better compared to that morning and asked Hal if he’d like to play a game of strip chess. They both needed to work on their logic skills.
“It’s everything I could dream of and more. I just need to find time to paint.”

After a long game of chess which Hal lost they went at it for a few hours before they finally passed out for the night.
“Oh not again. I’m going to be sick.”
Even Hal noticed. He stood outside the bathroom door talking to her. Between throwing up she replied.
“Baby, I noticed you’re not feeling well today so here’s some money to go shopping. I’ll be at work all day then I have to go train if I’m going to get that promotion.”
“Oh Hal, I love you and your huge biceps. You go do what you need to do to get us more money.”
Dusty!!! Inappropriate!
She went back to bed for a while and when she woke up she was no longer in her sexy undies but a hideous night gown.
“I resent that! But I’m feeling much better. I don’t know why but all that woohooing helped with the nausea. But Hal’s gone all day.”
“It’s the neighborly duty to befriend as many men as I can. And living with a cop isn’t gonn’a make me a gold digger. I need a money man.”
Dusty honey, YOU’RE IN A LEGACY!!!! You cannot just marry a rich Sim. It’s in the rules!
“Which you read after making me a gold digger.”
Shh you. No one needs to hear those lies. (Truth)
“So if I can’t marry for money can I at least bonk for it?”
I’ve never played a prostitute before. This could be fun. Sure why not. Go woohoo to your heart’s desire. But NOT Don. (I think I know who Dusty idolizes. Can anyone say Venus?)
“Yippy!!! Who first? Who first?”
Well you’ll still be a doctor so I think it’s say you need to build a stronger relation with your coworkers.
I should no longer be shocked by you, yet I am. Of course he agreed. But Dusty you need to put some clothes on.
“Why? He’s coming over to have sex. I don’t know how you do it, but normally you’re naked for sex.”
True enough, but I want you to meet him straight away. That involves you going outside. So put on clothes.
You look like trailer trash.
“I look sexy. You’re just jealous.”
Hurry up Jeb will be here any minute. Get your ass out side. He was after all on his way home from work when she called and lived just down the street from her. When he arrived she wasted no time getting intimate with him. He even had a surprise or two for her.
“Then why don’t you come in and I can show you around. Starting with the bed.”
“A girl?”
Knowing the gender of her baby made it real. She couldn’t wait to tell Hal. He’d been working so hard he hadn’t noticed her weight gain the past few days. She now needed to tell him that they were going to have a baby and it was going to be a girl.
“You need to leave, but thanks for a wonderful day.”
She practically dragged him out of the house and watched him leave. Not long after he left she ballooned up even more. Wow you look like a beach ball.
“That’s hurtful. And Hal’s still not home.”
Once again she spotted Don walking into his place. She defied me even though I allowed her to become a prostitute and ran over to try to flirt with him. It went so poorly that Dusty can’t talk about it. I think it has to do with her enormous stomach. I think Don was trying to remember if he actually ever slept with her and was she trying to get money from him? If so she should have come much earlier. He would not be the father of a bastard child from someone who lived in a trailer. He had standards.
Sleaze! Only I can talk to Dusty like that. She ran home and cried herself to sleep. What she didn’t know was Hal had already suspected that she was pregnant so he snuck off to the library to read up on babies. As I can’t be in two places at once he got pretty much ignored by me and Dusty that day. He even bought a crib and put it together while Dusty slept before he finally went to bed too.
What does it say when the commitment-phobe is dreaming about work and the romantic is dreaming about not loving someone?
A couple hours later we welcomed Daisy Rose to the family. Awww.
“This does not work for me. At least Hal gave me some money to get new clothes.”
With that it was time to get her a new wardrobe. I even let her get her hair done. Which might have been a mistake.
You look like trailer trash.
“I resent that! But I’m feeling much better. I don’t know why but all that woohooing helped with the nausea. But Hal’s gone all day.”
She started pouting, which isn’t pretty. Suddenly she smiled and I could see the wheels turning in her head. Dusty what are you thinking?
“I just saw Don Lothario get his mail across the street. I think I need to meet the neighbors.”
Not just no, but hell no!!!
“It’s the neighborly duty to befriend as many men as I can. And living with a cop isn’t gonn’a make me a gold digger. I need a money man.”
Dusty honey, YOU’RE IN A LEGACY!!!! You cannot just marry a rich Sim. It’s in the rules!
“Which you read after making me a gold digger.”
Shh you. No one needs to hear those lies. (Truth)
“So if I can’t marry for money can I at least bonk for it?”
I’ve never played a prostitute before. This could be fun. Sure why not. Go woohoo to your heart’s desire. But NOT Don. (I think I know who Dusty idolizes. Can anyone say Venus?)
“Yippy!!! Who first? Who first?”
Well you’ll still be a doctor so I think it’s say you need to build a stronger relation with your coworkers.
“There’s this guy, not cute, but he’s filthy rich. I’ll give him a call.”
“Jeb do you want to come over for some meaningless sex?”
I should no longer be shocked by you, yet I am. Of course he agreed. But Dusty you need to put some clothes on.
“Why? He’s coming over to have sex. I don’t know how you do it, but normally you’re naked for sex.”
True enough, but I want you to meet him straight away. That involves you going outside. So put on clothes.
“Fine. How’s this?”
You look like trailer trash.
“I look sexy. You’re just jealous.”
Hurry up Jeb will be here any minute. Get your ass out side. He was after all on his way home from work when she called and lived just down the street from her. When he arrived she wasted no time getting intimate with him. He even had a surprise or two for her.
“I took a little blue pill after I got off the phone with you. So I’ll be able to last all night.”
“Then why don’t you come in and I can show you around. Starting with the bed.”
It’s official you will be nothing more than trailer trash. There’s hope for further generations though. The managed to bonk at least three times and had time for chit-chat.
“I know your pregnant, but don’t worry it’s a turn on for me. Not only am I going to pay you $212 for all three times but I wanted to tell you, you’re having a girl.”
“A girl?”
Knowing the gender of her baby made it real. She couldn’t wait to tell Hal. He’d been working so hard he hadn’t noticed her weight gain the past few days. She now needed to tell him that they were going to have a baby and it was going to be a girl.
“You need to leave, but thanks for a wonderful day.”
She practically dragged him out of the house and watched him leave. Not long after he left she ballooned up even more. Wow you look like a beach ball.
“That’s hurtful. And Hal’s still not home.”
Once again she spotted Don walking into his place. She defied me even though I allowed her to become a prostitute and ran over to try to flirt with him. It went so poorly that Dusty can’t talk about it. I think it has to do with her enormous stomach. I think Don was trying to remember if he actually ever slept with her and was she trying to get money from him? If so she should have come much earlier. He would not be the father of a bastard child from someone who lived in a trailer. He had standards.
Sleaze! Only I can talk to Dusty like that. She ran home and cried herself to sleep. What she didn’t know was Hal had already suspected that she was pregnant so he snuck off to the library to read up on babies. As I can’t be in two places at once he got pretty much ignored by me and Dusty that day. He even bought a crib and put it together while Dusty slept before he finally went to bed too.
What does it say when the commitment-phobe is dreaming about work and the romantic is dreaming about not loving someone?
“I don’t feel too well.”
Dusty went into labor just as Hal came home from work. He finally got that promotion, but upon seeing her in labor he panicked. Like all good fathers.
“This really hurts now!!! Get it out! Get it out!!!”
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